
What is Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR)?

Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) programmes are the only proven, humane way of controlling wild (sometimes called feral, community or free-roaming) cat populations.

Trap  Wild cats are humanely trapped in special traps.

Neuter  Then the cats are then taken to a veterinary clinic to be healthchecked (and given medical treatment, if required), neutered/ spayed, and eartipped.

An eartip is where the tip of the cat’s left ear is removed under anaesthetic while he is being neutered/ she is being spayed. The operation does not cause any distress to the cat and does not impede his/ her natural activities in any way. An eartip is a universal sign that a cat has been neutered/ spayed.

Release  Once the cat has fully recovered (often later the same day), s/he is released back to his/ her home to live out his/ her natural life.

Why TNR?

TNR programmes improve the often fraught relationship between wild cats and humans in our shared environment, especially in our crowded cities.

Breaks the breeding cycle It is estimated that a queen (an unspayed female) can produce 420,000 kittens (her kittens have kittens, who have kittens, who have kittens, and on and on) in only 7 years, which is the average feral breeding lifespan. Many of these kittens will die of starvation, disease, and/ or human cruelty.

Improves the quality of life of the wild cats Neutering/ spaying prevents testicular tumours, uterine cancer and uterine infections. The risk of spayed females developing breast cancer is seven times lower than the risk for unspayed females. Neutered males are much less likely to get into fights and are therefore less likely to suffer from injuries. They also tend not to roam as they do not need to search for females to mate with and so are less likely to be involved in accidents. Spayed females suffer far less anxiety than their unspayed sisters.

Reduces human complaints about wild cats Neutered males do not spray, their urine doesn’t smell, and they don’t fight other neutered males so they will not disturb a neighbourhood at night. Spayed females will not howl incessantly for mates during mating season.

How to TNR?

Please contact us if you are interested in starting a TNR programme in your neighbourhood.

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