After months of hard work (and setbacks which nearly destroyed us), we are delighted to announce The Purr, our new flagship cat rescue centre, will be opening in Smithfield, D7 on Valentine’s Day!
We can’t host a launch party because of the current Covid-19 restrictions but we would love for you could drop in for a takeaway Cattuccino or Lattail (sorry, couldn’t resist) and cake and to enjoy a quick, socially distanced tour of The Purr.
This is just the beginning and we need your support now more than ever as we all navigate these very challenging Covid times!! We will be posting shortly about a number of exciting volunteer roles in The Purr.
We are opening on the Day of Love to show our deep, passionate, unconditional love for felines everywhere. We also love our volunteers, supporters and even our haters – let’s all purr together in celebration and commitment to helping our fabulous furry feline friends.